SFR or Substitute for Return is a notation on the “Account Transcript” no prospective bankruptcy debtor wants to see if he or she is looking to discharge otherwise dischargeable taxes. The “discharge” is what eliminates debt: http://leverlaw.com/discharge.php. Taxes need to be at least three years from the date the return was first due and payable, ...
I see clients from all walks of life who take out so called Pay Day Loans. They are the worst. Only the extremely desperate should take them out. You may as well make a deal with the devil for your soul. OK, that’s overstating it. And I don’t know about you, ...
A new case, In re Flores, was decided just recently here in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (the federal courts for the furthest west states) that makes Chapter 13 much better for debtors who make more money than the median income in their state under some circumstances. That’s the court just below the U.S. ...
Shortly after you file your case you will receive a “Notice of Commencement.” It details all the important information about your case. It has the case number, the date and time of your 341A hearing First Meeting of Creditors, where that meeting will be held, who your Chapter 7 or 13 Trustee is and a bunch of other information and deadlines. ...